… când Internetul o să-și dea obștescul sfârșit (fapt ce-o să se petreacă mai devreme decât o crede cel mai pesimist internaut).
A simple typing error has brought Google’s search engine to a grinding halt, preventing millions of people from finding web pages on the internet.
The search engine incorrectly labelled all other websites as potentially harmful and stopped internet users from directly clicking through to their search results.The problem arose at around 2.30pm GMT today and was only fixed after 40 minutes – by which time millions of users had been affected.
The company later announced that the fault had been caused by „human error” when an internal list of harmful sites was updated. A single forward slash (/) was put on the list in place of a full web address, effectively blacklisting every website because all web addresses contain the character.
The ensuing chaos prompted panic among web surfers who feared the popular search engine had suffered some kind of major failure that could have had serious implications for internet commerce.
Google promised it would investigate the incident „and put more robust file checks in place to prevent it from happening again”. Its search page is by far the most popular on the internet, with the site receiving several hundred million queries each day. It is the most common home page and accounts for almost four out of every five internet searches, making it a crucial part of the global online economy. More here…
later edit: descopăr acum și aici detalii despre acest subiect.